Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slaves of Depravity

       Now the Bereans were of more noble character
     than the Thessalonians, for they received the
     message with great eagerness and examined the
     Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said
     was true.
       ~ Acts 17:11

Test even what the preacher says. God’s Word is infallible, but not every word about God or claiming to be from God is true. The world is full of false prophets. People will claim to follow God, but really be children of the devil.
Don’t be satisfied with less than the truth. Test what you hear. False prophets are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15-16). They will say one thing, but their lives and actions will prove their heart. Their goals are destruction (7:15) and deception (24:24). Stay away from teaching that does not agree with the Scripture. Even what the pastor or the Bible study leader or the blog author says could be lies. Look up what they say in the Bible. Talk to God. If the Scripture doesn’t back it up, and certainly if God doesn’t back it up, it is from the Enemy (Matthew 12:30).
Don’t be satisfied with the fluff. If you’re not convicted by what you hear, you’re either perfect or not listening to something that will challenge you. Paul talked about that kind of person (2 Timothy 4:3-5). He said a time would come when people would stop listening to sound doctrine. To appease themselves, they would only listen to whatever made them feel good. Avoiding conviction is the same thing. Paul tells us not to be like them, but to remain grounded in the Scripture. You won’t grow closer to God if you’re never challenged.
2 Peter 2 tells all about false prophets and what will happen to them and their followers. By their actions, they bring destruction on themselves and those they deceive (v1). Don’t be deceived. The false prophets will promise freedom but “themselves are slaves of depravity” (v19). Don’t let yourself be dragged away and destroyed by the deception.
Are you being taught the truth? Look in the Bible and discover for yourself. Are you grounded in the Scripture? Are you convicted by what you hear, or are you satisfied with only hearing what makes you feel good?

Read further:
Acts 17:11; Matthew 7:15-16; 12:30; 24:24; 2 Timothy 4:3-5; 2 Peter 2

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